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Pre Advanced

  • Starts May 22
  • 225 US dollars
  • 4319 W Roberts Road

Available spots

Service Description

This class is for dogs 6 months and older. Beginners obedience must be taken and passed with HTR before entering or prior approval by one of our trainers. You do not need to take intermediate 1/CGC to attend. This class proofs the ability to maintain obedience under additional distractions and stimulating situations. Owners and dogs will work together to build a stronger bond/relationship to understand and communicate with one another in fluent way. Some of the exercises that will be taught are the following: moving sit, moving stand, German turn, moving down, noise distractions, cross the hall, out of sight recalls, retrieve, jumping over objects, drop on recall, furthering off leash control and much more! This class is to prep you for our advanced obedience drop-in class. There will be a test at the end of the class. Passing the test is required as a pre requisite for Advanced Obedience.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

​Class enrollments, private lessons, consults, and other services can be cancelled for a 50% refund when cancelled more than 48 hours after purchase.  Class enrollments or private sessions cancelled with less than 48 hours prior to the start of the class or private lesson will only receive a credit on the client account for future classes and services. Seminars cancelled within 30 days of an event will only receive a 50% refund for the cost of the seminar.  Our classes and seminars are often full and your enrollment keeps another client from filling that spot if you cannot attend. If you are not able to attend a class or seminar after you have already enrolled, please contact the Happy Tails Ranch office as soon as possible. Clients who no call/no show for classes, privates, events or seminars, or do not schedule purchased services within 48 hours  will only receive an account credit for the class, event, service, or seminar.  If repeated no call/no shows occur (more than 2), clients will be required to pay an addition 50% of the class or service cost to reschedule. 

Contact Details

  • 4319 W Roberts Road, Island Lake, IL 60042

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